※ 注:请务必使用IE浏览器登录投稿系统
Important Dates:
Paper Submission Deadline:
October 25, 2016
Notification of Acceptance:
November 1, 2016
Registration Deadline:
November 10, 2016
About Changchun Normal University
About Changchun
Changchun Normal University
*Jilin University
*Northeast Normal University
*State and Local Joint Engineering Lab. of Advanced Network and Monitoring Contral(新型网络与检测控制国家地方联合工程实验室)
Technical Co-Sponsor:
IEEE Harbin Section
Registration Materials


1. 请作者自行下载IEEE版权转让协议以及权责申明
2. 作者可在word中填写文章标题以及文章作者
3. 将填好的word打印成纸质文件
4. 请作者在这两份纸质文件上签署姓名并填写日期(对于中国大陆作者,版权协议只需在第一行签字即可) 
5. 将签署完成的以上两个纸质的IEEE版权转让协议以及权责申明扫描,连同汇款凭证扫描件一并上传至会议的投稿系统(汇款凭证扫描前手写ICCSNT2016+文章编号)
6. 对于中国大陆作者,请从“银行电汇(对私、对公,请将汇款凭证上传至投稿系统)或者支付宝在线付款”中任选一种方式支付注册费用并将银行回执或者网银付款页面截图作为汇款凭证,上传到投稿系统,以便核实款项。银行电汇账号请见“Registration”页面


Step of Submittal registration materials for Foreign Authors:
1. Please download IEEE copyright form 
2. Second, Please fill in the Paper Title and Authors in the word 
3. Then print it into paper file
4. Next please sign your name and date in the paper file 
5. At last, scan the IEEE copyright form, then upload it to the paper submission system, then pay registration fee on-line
6. For author from foreign countries, please choose paypal to pay your registration fee, the account is umeet@vip.163.com, you also can choose register on-site, ICCSNT conference would like to afford financial support for participants from foreign countries, please contact iccsnt@vip.163.com for detai information before you do payment.

The below is the finished IEEE Copyright form, just for your reference:



5th International Conference on Computer Science and Network Technology